Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Good day everyone,
Well our big girl is hanging on ,we're just taking it day by day with her. She has had a stroke, and couple of seizures but she's holding her own. She has a ways to go to be normal again if she ever will be but she has a will to live and as long as she has that she's got a chance. She doesn't appear to be suffering so we are giving her the best care we can. The vet told us to put her on baby aspirin to deal with the seizures so we did that. As for the stroke part only time will tell whether she will regain what she has lost or not. She circles to the left alot .P.artly because of focusing problems with her eyes. And also partly because of the brain activity or lack there of that stroke victims deal with. She also hasn't wagged her nubbin since this happened, and she hasn't barked. Its really kind of weird but hopefully she will come out of some of this and be the dog that we love to play with again. Have a good day all!! Happy Tailwagging!!!

1 comment:

CC said...

I am glad she is out of the woods so to speak and will continue to pray for a recovery with no pain and a happy smile in her heart.

My very best to you all. :)